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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Product Review--Sakar International, Inc.'s digital camera.

You may have seen these at Wal-Mart or other stores like it, but if you haven't, don't worry about it. The bottom line of this camera by Sakar International Inc. digital camera is--IT STINKS! The POOREST quality of all starter cameras out there, and I'm not even sure if this camera was meant to be a starter? Paying $20.00 for something this poor of quality isn't the best game on the field and I suggest not to ever buy this product if you should come across it. I'll give more detail on product and model no. at the end of the review.

What makes this product so CRAPPY? Well, I'll tell ya! It's flimsy, takes horrible pictures and eats batteries like mad. So if you are someone who likes thin plastic cameras, bad blurry, out of focused pictures that don't turn out, and can buy batteries or use re-chargable batteries then this is your camera. But me and many others out there, we take pictures to remember a place we enjoyed visiting or to have a great visual memory for those scrap books. Isn't that why many of us take pictures? To remember something that is of value to us? If you answered yes to those questions than a better camera for about the same price of this crappy thing, is the Emerson HD 720p camcorder. The Emerson does not just only take pictures but it take video as well, is great on batter power so it is ideal for travel and the with use of a memory card you're in business. But the Sakar camera I won't even give to a photography student! Plus, digital amongst many of the students and photo artists is the enemy, but if it's all you got or can afford and not really going to be doing photography for business than any digital camera would be good, as long as it has the features you're looking for and/ or the quality you're looking for in how it takes pictures and the other nine yards. 

Even though it does come a vague owner's manual and transfer cable, this product is not worth your money or time, but that decision is still yours for it may differ from mine. 

Product info.
Sakar international Inc. digital camera: Model # 75379 

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